Security Guard Responsibilities

What is a security guard’s responsibility? What are the normal duties of a private security guard? If you’re thinking about hiring any security personnel, then you likely want to know what roles they can play for your business or location. If you’re personally interested in becoming a security guard yourself, then you probably want to know what will be asked of you, as it will be different than work you might have done in law enforcement or in military uniform. Having run a security company, IGS Protection – Security Guards Houston, I have a unique take on these questions, as I hear them a lot.

Differences Between Security Guards and Law Enforcement

First and foremost, security guards handle things completely differently than law enforcement agents or police officers, who are typically trained to respond or intervene only after violence or crime is either happening or has happened. Security guards on the other hand take a more proactive or preventative approach to their work. Basically, security guards deter crime and prevent risky situations, as they are on the lookout for looming danger, reporting crimes that they might encounter during their shift. The prevention of crime is the number one overall responsibility of a security guard, and most of what they do revolves around this philosophy, which they break down into specific duties and tasks.

Critical Factors and Qualities

One thing most security forces do first and foremost in their attempt to deter crime is simply making themselves clearly visible. Most potential criminals, be they shoplifters, muggers, or burglars, will think twice about what they’re planning if they know a security guard is on duty. So, the simple act of visibility is an effective way that a security guard can prevent instances of personal injury, theft, and property damage.

On top of visibility, vigilance is another primary responsibility of security guards. As much as they want to be seen, they also want to be looking out themselves for anything out of the ordinary that could signal potential harm to their property or people. Given this, security guards should have well-developed senses of smelling, hearing, and sight. A good security guard can smell a burning cable or if a chemical might be leaking from its storage container. Detecting strange or unusual sounds like someone secretly attempting to open a door they shouldn’t is also useful. Great security guards can even sense if someone is attempting to divert the attention of security guards.

For all the attempts at preventing things through visibility and vigilance, things do eventually happen, and security guards need to be able to react quickly to situations that develop. Security guards need to be constantly alert, so they don’t get caught offhand. How security guards specifically respond to a potential crisis will of course depend on the actual threat or situation, but their response time and actions can often contain a crisis very quickly.

Even if a crisis situation is prevented or contained, security guards can never relax. They need to maintain a presence and observe things until they know that additional issues won’t arise. Reporting incidents to property leadership or supervisors is also crucial. In some cases, local authorities might also have to be notified, including fire service, police, animal control, or emergency medical services.

Good security guards will know when they’re overwhelmed and need help. In cases such as deadly weapon assaults or armed robberies, the property’s security staff might be unable to take care of a situation and need to call the police as quickly as they can. The faster they do this, the less there is in terms of lost property, lives, or injury.

Depending on the rules of the property, security staff might be in charge of maintaining policies and rules. That could include only letting in approved visitors with known appointments or even searching visitors upon entry. Many establishments might require employees to wear ID or just show it to gain entry.

Security guards are sometimes used for one-time events involving large gatherings, ranging from political rallies to sporting events. In such cases, they are there to maintain the order among the crowds, preventing stampedes, the breakdown of standing law and order, and ensuring the safety of property and lives.

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Tim Wilson
Tim Wilson
Tim Wilson is a former law enforcement officer and is the owner of International Guard Services in Houston, TX. He has years of experience in security and investigations at:
International Guard Services
5201 Mitchelldale St #B4
Houston, TX 77092
(281) 822-6700