Dog behavior, How do you address a dog with behavior problems?

If you are a new pet owner, it is common to start having issues with the pet because they still need to be trained to listen to your instructions. Without the training, a dog will most likely have behavior issues. A dog having behavior issues can become stressful ad you may even consider returning them. Before you do that, it is best to try and rectify some of the problems. There is enough information available that will enable you to address the behavior issues that your dog has.

Here are some of the common behavior problems that most dogs have and how to address them.

Exessive Barking

If your dog is barking too much and you cannot seem to stop them, they could be doing it to communicate that they are bored, want attention, or feel that there is a threat. Younger puppies also bark when playing as they get excited. What you need to do is establish commands with your dog. If you tell them ‘quiet’ they should obey.

It can be a long training process and having patience during this time is advisable. If you notice that a dog is barking because they are bored, get them a toy to chew on. You should also provide them with enough exercise to keep them occupied. Take the dog for a walk when you can.

Chewing Items

Chewing can be one behavior that most dog owners have to deal with. If your dog cannot stop chewing on your furniture, shoes, cushions, and any other items, they’re most likely anxious or feeling playful. Teething puppies also tend to have this problem.

You can resolve this problem by having many chew toys for your dog. If your dog cannot stop chewing furniture, it is best to consider having a cage for them when they are indoors. As you train them, you can let them out to see if they will still have the problem. Keep in mind that assuming your dog will change as they age is a mistake that most pet owners make. The longer you let bad behavior last, the harder it will be to rectify it.

Digging The Yard

Digging is an instinct for most dogs, and many breeds are prone to digging the yard. If you do not rectify the behavior, your dog will probably be digging too many holes around your yard, making it untidy. Most dogs do this when they are feeling playful, or when it is too hot and they need to feel cooler. Some breeds dig to hide their bones or toys.

To prevent this, take your dog on a walk in an area where they can dig. Letting them chase small animals is also an option if you have a way to keep watch so that they cannot wander off too far. You can also practice some commands with the dog and do them daily to enforce good behavior.

Inappropriate Urination/Elimination

Most dogs do this when they are young before they get a designated place. When a grown dog does this, the most plausible explanation is that they are trying to mark the territory. However, this can damage your items around the home if not rectified. Anxious dogs may also do this, especially if they have separation anxiety.

The best solution for this is to start training them early on where to elimnate. With older dogs, it can become problematic because changing their behavior is more difficult than it is in puppies.

At times, it is advisable to get the services of a professional dog trainer, especially if you feel that your dog is too old to be instructed or trained successfully.

Nick White
Nick White
Nick White is the owner of Off Leash K9 Training. He has over 80 dog training franchise locations throughout the United States. He currently hosts the A&E show, America's Top Dog.